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Blogging For Profit

You can make a blog into a money-making business, even if you have no blogging or business experience.

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50 Free Blogging Ideas

Make Money From Your Blog Today! What's the hardest thing about blogging? Coming up with fresh, new content! And you have to publish new posts frequently - twice a week at the very least - to keep readers interested and earn search engine love. If you're feeling stuck, here is a list of 50 blogging ideas that are sure to inspire you to come up with new content for your blog. Most of the ideas can be used more than once, so you won't run out of blog posts for months to come. And by the way, if you want to make more money from your blog, Blogger's Paycheck shows you how to make passive income from your blog without spending all day at it.

  •  1. Special events - Relate your blog topic to a special event, national day of, or holiday.
  •  2. News - Subscribe to Google news alert on your keywords and write about the latest news in your niche. 
  •  3. Book review.
  •  4. Respond to a post on another blog in a niche similar or related to yours.
  •  5. Blog milestone - Write about your blogging milestones, such as publishing your 100th post, getting your 1000th comment...
  •  6. Niche heroes -Blog about a person who made a positive contribution in your niche.
  •  7. Blog memes - Join in blog memes such as "Wordless Wednesday". There's at least one for every day of the week!
  •  8. Product review - An excellent way to work in some affiliate links.
  •  9. FAQs in your niche - Write a short Q & A based on FAQs about your niche.
  •  10. Blog comment response - Write a long and expanded response to a comment on your blog. 
  •  11. Predict trends - What do you see happening in your niche in a year? 5 years? 
  •  12. Historical view - What was your niche in the past? Or what past event influenced your niche? 
  •  13. Top tips on any topic of interest to your readers. 
  •  14. Best of... - A good year ender, make a list of your best posts for the year. 
  •  15. Contests - Organize a contest for your blog readers, or make a list of contests your readers can join. 
  •  16. What I learned from... a current event, a person you met, or an experience you had. 
  •  17. Definitions - Define terms that are commonly used in your niche but a beginner may not understand 
  •  18. New products - Not a review but simply an announcement of a new product relevant to your niche. This is another good opportunity to drop in some affiliate links. 
  •  19. Biggest problem - Ask your readers what their biggest problem is about your blog topic or niche. They post their answers in the comments section. 
  •  20. Biggest problem follow up - Summarize the comments from #19 in another post. 
  •  21. Biggest problem follow up series - Write a separate blog post tackling each question from #19.
  •  22. Interview somebody knowledgeable in your niche, or has succeeded in it, or is otherwise interesting to your readers. 
  •  23. Big list - Compile a big list of various resources, just like this one. The bigger the better! 
  •  24. Reader Survey - Put up a brief survey online and blog about the results. 
  •  25. Be provocative. Challenge a common belief or widely accepted idea in your niche. 
  •  26. New idea - What new idea about your blog topic or niche have you come across lately? 
  •  27. YouTube - Embed a funny, moving or insightful video on YouTube. You can even have a "video day" once a week. 
  •  28. YouTube version 2 - Make YOUR own YouTube video. Publish it on YouTube then embed on your blog. This way, you can attract traffic from YouTube to your blog. 
  •  29. Freebie - Scour the 'net for freebies that your readers will love. Or create a freebie of your own, such as a checklist or special report. 
  •  30. Personal story - Use a personal story to illustrate an important concept or principle in your niche.
  •  31. Free to publish articles - Check out relevant articles in article directories such as Ezine Articles... but don't publish them entirely on your blog. Instead, use an article or a group of articles as your take-off point for a blog post, or several. 
  •  32. Link love - This is a post with links to other blogs. Some bloggers set aside one day a week to publish a list of the best blog posts on their topic. 
  •  33. Photo - A picture is worth thousand words, right? Search Flickr for creative commons pictures that your readers will like. 
  •  34. Hot topics - Look at Digg for hot topics in your niche 
  •  35. Pros and cons - Examine what's good and bad about something related to your blog topic 
  •  36. Respond to relevant questions you find in Ask.com 
  •  37. Guest post - Invite another blogger to write a guest post for your blog 
  •  38. Reader's post - Invite blog subscribers to submit an article or post to be published on the blog
  •  39. Inspirational post - Write a motivational post for your readers. 
  •  40. Update an old post with fresh ideas, new learnings and current research findings. 
  •  41. Beginner's guide - What do beginners in your niche struggle with? Write a post to guide them through it.
  •  42. Best list - Patterned after "best dressed lists" make a list of the best ___ in your niche. 
  •  43. Worst list - Make your version of the "worst dressed list" for your niche. 
  •  44. New uses for - Think of new ways your readers can use gadgets and other stuff. 
  •  45. Write about a live event that you attended and what you learned from it. 
  •  46. Bribe post - Bribe your readers with a freebie in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter or RSS feed.
  •  47. Around the world - Compare how people in different countries do something related to your niche.
  •  48. Seasonal - Relate the month or season to your blog topic. 
  •  49. Blog carnival - Join or host a blog carnival, where several publish posts about the same topic on the same day.
  •  50. Host a virtual "conference" on your blog - Invite "speakers" to publish their post on a specified date and time. Q&A happens in the comments section. Now that you've got a steady flow of fresh content, how do you actually make money from your blog? Visit Blogger's Paycheck for a step-by-step guide on blogging for profit.

Money From Your Blog Today!

Business Idea: Blogging for Profit

Money From Your Blog Today! Business Idea: Blogging for Profit, No Previous Experience Required Blogs - it seems like just about everyone has one. If you don’t know what a blog is, it comes from the phrase "web log", which is an online diary or journal of sorts. People have all kinds of reasons for starting a blog. They may do it for fun, because they love writing or just to have an outlet to express their thoughts, vent frustrations and more. But you can make a blog into a money-making business, even if you have no blogging or business experience. How to Get Started You can actually start your blog completely for free. There are services like Blogger.com and Wordpress.com that make it super easy. But note, John Yeo, profitable blog and creator of the Blogger’s Paycheck recommends that those seeking profit should Wordpress, but in a different way than is explained at Wordpress.com and he goes through it in detail in the course. How to Make Money with a Blog Simply put, pick a theme or major topic for your blog and start writing. Even if you have no product of your own, you can still make money from your blog by selling and displaying advertising, earning commissions recommending products and other activities. This is also something John Yeo covers in detail. What if You Don’t Like to Write Many people think they can’t blog if they don’t enjoy writing or feel they aren’t talented writers, but that shouldn’t stop anyone. A blog is about sharing thoughts and you don’t have to be an award-winning writer to do that. In addition, the growing popularity of online video and audio open up more possibilities for sharing content. You can also hire a ghostwriter if you want a text blog and want to avoid writing. The Keys to Profitable Blogging To profit from blogging, there are a few key ingredients: 1. Target a highly interested audience of readers who happen to be consumers. In other words, people who readily spend money to pursue their hobbies, interests and desires that you’ll be writing about. 2. Create interesting content that people are readily looking for, that they’ll talk about to their friends and come back for over and over again. 3. Sign up for the Blogger’s Paycheck course that will take you through setting up your blog, building traffic, making money and more.